Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 11: January 11, 2010

Ugh! Is it really Monday already??

So Avery's first night in his toddler bed went pretty good. He fell asleep fairly fast, although I had to sit with him until he did. We will have to wean from that, but one thing at a time. The kicker came about 2:30 in the morning when I woke up to a thud followed by crying. Yep, you guessed it, Avery fell out of his bed. Granted, it was not a far fall, but it was enough to startle him. So tonight we are adding some sort of padding to the floor so if it happens again, it won't be so dramatic.

On to the photo of the day. Wow, day 11 and I am still going strong!!

I felt like I was neglecting Jordan in this project, so here he is reading during a little downtime after we got home tonight. (I had a little fun with the processing on this one.)

Day 11: January 11, 2010


  1. Great photo... love the processing too!

  2. He is so handsome! I really love the sepia tone! I feel the same way. I tend to take more photos of my girls because they tend to be more cooperative andI am trying really hard to take more of my boys for the project.

  3. I love the post processing! It looks great!

  4. Loving the processing. Beautiful!

  5. Beautiful tone, and I love the mood you captured!

  6. Stunning Melissa..beautiful job!

  7. Poor Avery!! LOVE that photo!

  8. Great feel and emotion to this photo..nice!

  9. Melissa, that photo is beautiful. Good luck with Avery tonight

  10. what a cutie! Great photo.

  11. Love processign on this. It sets such a mood!

  12. awww poor baby!!

    Such a handsome boy you have there too!

  13. Poor baby!

    Great shot!!! Love the pp!
