Sunday, September 19, 2010

A Monkey Room for the Monkey

We have lived in our house now for a year and a half. The two older boys got their rooms painted and decorated soon after we moved but Avery's got shoved off to the side, slightly because of time and slightly because I wasn't really sure what I wanted to do with it.

Well, I finally decided to go with a monkey theme because he loves monkeys so much lately. The room is not completely finished yet. I have one more wall to find something to put on it and my mom will be making me some curtains.

But since lots of people are asking to see pictures, here they are..

His new (to him anyway) twin bed.

Avery's room

Above his bed we hung a monkey decal that I found on

Avery's room

A close up of the monkey...

Avery's room

Above his dresser is the cute set of three canvas monkey prints.

Avery's room

A better shot of the prints...

Avery's room

I even found a monkey night light.

Avery's room

And of course, his new best friend and sleeping buddy...

Avery's room


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